Look Good, Play Good

Baseball season is here, and my son carries his grandfather’s legacy of timeless class into every moment. From carefully selected jerseys to polished sneakers, his attention to detail echoes a tradition of presenting oneself with pride and purpose. It’s a reminder that style isn’t just about appearance—it’s about honoring those who came before us.

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First Days and Letting Go

My mother wrote letters to my grandmother almost weekly for many years; her perfect handwriting documented the quotidian events raising the four of us in the decades before email and the internet. They were carefully saved, and recently my mom sent one to me, dated September 13, 1977. In it, she writes about the days leading up to my first day of kindergarten.

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The UnBucket List

Before the pandemic, Marie Kondo promised we’d find joy in having less clutter in our spaces, and I think that includes our headspace. It’s the last few months before That Birthday, and in tribute to KonMari, I submit to you something new: The UnBucket List, a list of things I vow NOT to do. If I have to face mortality, even in the long view, this list will help me focus on what’s most important, what makes me the happiest, and gives me permission to ignore the rest.

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The Gift

Every year I make a calendar full of family photos each month. Pictures from last February document a dinner out with friends, donuts sampling all over town, an overnight sleepover with a favorite family at the Field Museum. Living life without a second thought. When I flipped the month over to March, the photos show a sharp shift in content: No friends, no sleepovers, nothing but us at home.

As I turned the calendar, I thought about how I might commemorate this past year. I don't want to forget it, because it's an important time in our lives, but obviously, it's not an experience I ever hope to repeat.

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Doomscroll Alternatives to Improve Your Terrible Life

Doomscrolling is SOOO July. Do you remember July? China started sending us random seeds, Ghislaine Maxwell was finally arrested (we do not wish her the best), and Trump wore a mask in public for the first time, and it wasn't even Halloween. So. Brave.

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