Embracing JOMO in the New Year

Sharing my personal journey into 2024, guided by my Non-Negotiables: daily movement, mindful coffee, meditation, reading over screen time, and embracing the Joy of Missing Out. This year, I’m focusing on presence, simplicity, and creating a life that truly brings me joy.

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Success through Kindness in the New Year

The cult of the ‘New Year, New You’ is hard to shake, but frankly, facing 50 is daunting. I'm not sure what being 50 is supposed to feel like, to look like. Where am I supposed to be after five decades of life?

I'm not sure, but I do know that I'm proud of making it through 2020, changed but still standing, mostly. So as I leap into 2021, I’m working less on fixing myself and more on loving myself.

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A New Resolve

Last year I wrote about seasons of resolutions, which is my approach to adopting new habits a few months at a time in the New Year. Each quarter is an opportunity to grow and learn, and this process keeps me motivated throughout the year. I usually approach it with a spirit of renewal and change, with clarity and resolve.

This year, resolve has new meaning.

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