Future Foodie on Board

Navigating my family's culinary preferences has always been an adventure, but my youngest son's devotion to the Beige/White Food Group has been a humbling reminder of parenting's unpredictable nature. I'm learning to embrace the journey, hopeful that one day, he might share in the broad, colorful tapestry of flavors we cherish.

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The Many Hats of Motherhood

In the ever-changing landscape of motherhood, I've discovered the power of adaptability, wearing numerous hats with pride and gratitude. From the initial discomfort of the new 'Mommy' hat to embracing the multifaceted roles life has thrown my way, each hat has shaped me, teaching me about versatility, growth, and the beauty of life's unpredictability.

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The Truth is in the Cards

It’s that magical time of year when mailboxes are stuffed with catalogs and sale postcards. But tucked somewhere in all of that direct mail, I always hope to find a festive holiday note or two. I know they have a terrible reputation, but I honestly love Christmas cards.

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First Days and Letting Go

My mother wrote letters to my grandmother almost weekly for many years; her perfect handwriting documented the quotidian events raising the four of us in the decades before email and the internet. They were carefully saved, and recently my mom sent one to me, dated September 13, 1977. In it, she writes about the days leading up to my first day of kindergarten.

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